Newms Landscapes can offer you a variety of tree services. Examples of tree services we can offer you are:
Crown reduction pruning is most often used when a tree has grown too large for its permitted space. This method results in a more natural appearance and increases the time before pruning is needed again and minimises stress caused to the tree.
Crown thinning is a pruning technique primarily used on hardwood trees. Crown thinning is the selective removal of stems and branches to increase light penetration and air movement throughout the crown of a tree. The intent is to improve a tree’s structure and form while making life uncomfortable for tree pests.
Crown lifting is the removal of selected branches and limbs from the lower part of the trees crown thus lifting the crowns overall height. Depending on the location of the tree, this process is generally performed to ensure vehicles and people can pass safely underneath avoiding accidents and injury. This process can also assist in allowing more light to penetrate through the lower crown.
The main reason for pruning trees are safety health and aesthetics. It can also be used to stimulate fruit and flower growth. Pruning for safety involves removing branches that could fall and cause injury or property damage, trimming branches that interfere with lines of sight on streets or driveways, and removing branches that grow into utility lines. Pruning for health involves removing diseased of insect-infested wood, thinning the crown to increase air flow and reduce some pest problems, and removing crossing and rubbing branches. Pruning can best be used to encourage trees to develop a strong structure and reduce the likelihood of damage during severe weather. Removing broken or damaged limbs encourages wound closure.
Occasionally a tree will need to be removed completely, this can be for a number of reasons. In the interests of conservation a diseased tree may have to be removed to ensure neighbouring trees do not also become infected. Other reasons to fell a tree will include safety (to people and property) i.e. if a tree is in a state of decay or in a weakened condition, or if the tree is in an unsuitable area affecting planning applications and construction projects. Felling a large tree in a restricted area will normally require the tree to be climbed and dismantled in sections. Other times when space, safety and the trees form and allows, a tree may be felled in the traditional forestry sense of the term, by bringing the tree to ground using practiced methods to ensure a safe, controlled and calculated fell.
As a tree grows it is natural for some branches to die back. It is advisable to have your tree regularly inspected and cleared of any deadwood.
In addition to our surgery services we are able to offer a skilled planting and maintenance service, these include:
- Tree planting from largest to smallest
- Tree moving
- Tree maintenance (new plantings)